Dream Team Hits Home Run for Charity: A Day of Softball, Team Building, and Giving Back
The Dream Team swapped their usual work attire for baseball shirts and gloves, stepping onto the field for a cause close to their hearts. Participating in a charity softball tournament, our goal was to raise funds for The Center for Great Expectations (CGE), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing transformative mental health and substance use disorder treatment to pregnant and parenting women and their children.
Education Moment: What Is the Point of One-to-Ones?
The simplest answer is that in order to find success in referral marketing, the relationships you are building with your referral partners have to be nurtured just like any other relationship.
Education Moment: BNI Core Value – Lifelong Learning
How many people are in industries that require you to take Continuing Education classes in order to keep or renew your license? Raise your hand!
Education Moment: Friends and Colleagues
You’ve all heard me say my line about BNI - that I not only consider you my professional colleagues, but also my good friends and confidants. Because isn’t it easier to refer a friend rather than just “someone in your networking group”?
The BNI Fitness Program
So, how do you attain a high BNI fitness level and keep it there? Just like you would make time to go to the gym or meet with an important client or business colleague, make time in your weekly schedule, outside of meeting times, for your BNI fitness regime.
Save the Date! CGE Golf Outing
It's that time of year again! The Ken Daneyko Golf Classic is on July 18, 2023. All proceeds benefit the Center for Great Expectations, a safe place, safe presence, and a safe path for pregnant and parenting women and their children, and men, seeking treatment for substance use and mental health disorders.
Too busy for BNI?
Let's talk about time. We are all busy. We are all businesspeople. We are all multitaskers, professionals, and are juggling ten more things than we probably should.
Why should I prioritize BNI?
Today I want to talk about priorities. How do you prioritize something? Everyone has different methods.
One Chapter, Thousands of Connections
We've got approximately 30 people in our zoom room here, which is great. But then we've got another 60 chapters in Manhattan. Each of those chapters have 20-90 members.